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loadBlurredImages();\\r\\n function loadBlurredImages() {\\r\\n const blurredImageDiv = document.querySelectorAll(\\\".blurred-img\\\")\\r\\n blurredImageDiv.forEach((item) => {\\r\\n const img = item.querySelector(\\\"img\\\");\\r\\n function loaded() {\\r\\n item.classList.add(\\\"loaded\\\")\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n if (img.complete) {\\r\\n loaded()\\r\\n } else {\\r\\n img.addEventListener(\\\"load\\\", loaded)\\r\\n }\\r\\n });\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n function loadD3js() {\\r\\n if (document.querySelector('script[src=\\\"https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min.js\\\"]')) { return; }\\r\\n\\r\\n const script = document.createElement('script');\\r\\n script.src = 'https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min.js';\\r\\n script.onload = function () {\\r\\n window.initMap();\\r\\n };\\r\\n document.body.appendChild(script);\\r\\n }\\r\\n });\\r\\n})(jQuery);\\r\\n\\r\\nasync function initGoogleMap() {\\r\\n const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.sec-google-map');\\r\\n const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary('maps');\\r\\n containers.forEach(container => {\\r\\n const mapContainer = container.querySelector('.map');\\r\\n const map = new Map(mapContainer, {\\r\\n center: {\\r\\n lat: parseFloat(container.getAttribute('data-lat')),\\r\\n lng: parseFloat(container.getAttribute('data-lng'))\\r\\n },\\r\\n zoom: 15\\r\\n });\\r\\n \\r\\n var markers = JSON.parse(container.getAttribute('data-markers'));\\r\\n markers.forEach(marker => {\\r\\n new google.maps.Marker({\\r\\n position: {\\r\\n lat: parseFloat(marker.lat),\\r\\n lng: parseFloat(marker.lng)\\r\\n },\\r\\n map,\\r\\n title: marker.name,\\r\\n });\\r\\n });\\r\\n });\\r\\n}\\r\\n\"","module.exports = \"/*! lazysizes - v5.2.0-beta1 */\\r\\n!function (a, b) { var c = b(a, a.document); a.lazySizes = c, \\\"object\\\" == typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = c) }(\\\"undefined\\\" != typeof window ? window : {}, function (a, b) { \\\"use strict\\\"; var c, d; if (function () { var b, c = { lazyClass: \\\"lazyload\\\", loadedClass: \\\"lazyloaded\\\", loadingClass: \\\"lazyloading\\\", preloadClass: \\\"lazypreload\\\", errorClass: \\\"lazyerror\\\", autosizesClass: \\\"lazyautosizes\\\", srcAttr: \\\"data-src\\\", srcsetAttr: \\\"data-srcset\\\", sizesAttr: \\\"data-sizes\\\", minSize: 40, customMedia: {}, init: !0, expFactor: 1.5, hFac: .8, loadMode: 2, loadHidden: !0, ricTimeout: 0, throttleDelay: 125 }; d = a.lazySizesConfig || a.lazysizesConfig || {}; for (b in c) b in d || (d[b] = c[b]) }(), !b || !b.getElementsByClassName) return { init: function () { }, cfg: d, noSupport: !0 }; var e = b.documentElement, f = a.Date, g = a.HTMLPictureElement, h = \\\"addEventListener\\\", i = \\\"getAttribute\\\", j = a[h], k = a.setTimeout, l = a.requestAnimationFrame || k, m = a.requestIdleCallback, n = /^picture$/i, o = [\\\"load\\\", \\\"error\\\", \\\"lazyincluded\\\", \\\"_lazyloaded\\\"], p = {}, q = Array.prototype.forEach, r = function (a, b) { return p[b] || (p[b] = new RegExp(\\\"(\\\\\\\\s|^)\\\" + b + \\\"(\\\\\\\\s|$)\\\")), p[b].test(a[i](\\\"class\\\") || \\\"\\\") && p[b] }, s = function (a, b) { r(a, b) || a.setAttribute(\\\"class\\\", (a[i](\\\"class\\\") || \\\"\\\").trim() + \\\" \\\" + b) }, t = function (a, b) { var c; (c = r(a, b)) && a.setAttribute(\\\"class\\\", (a[i](\\\"class\\\") || \\\"\\\").replace(c, \\\" \\\")) }, u = function (a, b, c) { var d = c ? h : \\\"removeEventListener\\\"; c && u(a, b), o.forEach(function (c) { a[d](c, b) }) }, v = function (a, d, e, f, g) { var h = b.createEvent(\\\"Event\\\"); return e || (e = {}), e.instance = c, h.initEvent(d, !f, !g), h.detail = e, a.dispatchEvent(h), h }, w = function (b, c) { var e; !g && (e = a.picturefill || d.pf) ? (c && c.src && !b[i](\\\"srcset\\\") && b.setAttribute(\\\"srcset\\\", c.src), e({ reevaluate: !0, elements: [b] })) : c && c.src && (b.src = c.src) }, x = function (a, b) { return (getComputedStyle(a, null) || {})[b] }, y = function (a, b, c) { for (c = c || a.offsetWidth; c < d.minSize && b && !a._lazysizesWidth;)c = b.offsetWidth, b = b.parentNode; return c }, z = function () { var a, c, d = [], e = [], f = d, g = function () { var b = f; for (f = d.length ? e : d, a = !0, c = !1; b.length;)b.shift()(); a = !1 }, h = function (d, e) { a && !e ? d.apply(this, arguments) : (f.push(d), c || (c = !0, (b.hidden ? k : l)(g))) }; return h._lsFlush = g, h }(), A = function (a, b) { return b ? function () { z(a) } : function () { var b = this, c = arguments; z(function () { a.apply(b, c) }) } }, B = function (a) { var b, c = 0, e = d.throttleDelay, g = d.ricTimeout, h = function () { b = !1, c = f.now(), a() }, i = m && g > 49 ? function () { m(h, { timeout: g }), g !== d.ricTimeout && (g = d.ricTimeout) } : A(function () { k(h) }, !0); return function (a) { var d; (a = !0 === a) && (g = 33), b || (b = !0, d = e - (f.now() - c), d < 0 && (d = 0), a || d < 9 ? i() : k(i, d)) } }, C = function (a) { var b, c, d = 99, e = function () { b = null, a() }, g = function () { var a = f.now() - c; a < d ? k(g, d - a) : (m || e)(e) }; return function () { c = f.now(), b || (b = k(g, d)) } }, D = function () { var g, m, o, p, y, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L = /^img$/i, M = /^iframe$/i, N = \\\"onscroll\\\" in a && !/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent), O = 0, P = 0, Q = 0, R = -1, S = function (a) { Q-- , (!a || Q < 0 || !a.target) && (Q = 0) }, T = function (a) { return null == K && (K = \\\"hidden\\\" == x(b.body, \\\"visibility\\\")), K || !(\\\"hidden\\\" == x(a.parentNode, \\\"visibility\\\") && \\\"hidden\\\" == x(a, \\\"visibility\\\")) }, U = function (a, c) { var d, f = a, g = T(a); for (G -= c, J += c, H -= c, I += c; g && (f = f.offsetParent) && f != b.body && f != e;)(g = (x(f, \\\"opacity\\\") || 1) > 0) && \\\"visible\\\" != x(f, \\\"overflow\\\") && (d = f.getBoundingClientRect(), g = I > d.left && H < d.right && J > d.top - 1 && G < d.bottom + 1); return g }, V = function () { var a, f, h, j, k, l, n, o, q, r, s, t, u = c.elements; if ((p = d.loadMode) && Q < 8 && (a = u.length)) { for (f = 0, R++; f < a; f++)if (u[f] && !u[f]._lazyRace) if (!N || c.prematureUnveil && c.prematureUnveil(u[f])) ba(u[f]); else if ((o = u[f][i](\\\"data-expand\\\")) && (l = 1 * o) || (l = P), r || (r = !d.expand || d.expand < 1 ? e.clientHeight > 500 && e.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 : d.expand, c._defEx = r, s = r * d.expFactor, t = d.hFac, K = null, P < s && Q < 1 && R > 2 && p > 2 && !b.hidden ? (P = s, R = 0) : P = p > 1 && R > 1 && Q < 6 ? r : O), q !== l && (D = innerWidth + l * t, F = innerHeight + l, n = -1 * l, q = l), h = u[f].getBoundingClientRect(), (J = h.bottom) >= n && (G = h.top) <= F && (I = h.right) >= n * t && (H = h.left) <= D && (J || I || H || G) && (d.loadHidden || T(u[f])) && (m && Q < 3 && !o && (p < 3 || R < 4) || U(u[f], l))) { if (ba(u[f]), k = !0, Q > 9) break } else !k && m && !j && Q < 4 && R < 4 && p > 2 && (g[0] || d.preloadAfterLoad) && (g[0] || !o && (J || I || H || G || \\\"auto\\\" != u[f][i](d.sizesAttr))) && (j = g[0] || u[f]); j && !k && ba(j) } }, W = B(V), X = function (a) { var b = a.target; if (b._lazyCache) return void delete b._lazyCache; S(a), s(b, d.loadedClass), t(b, d.loadingClass), u(b, Z), v(b, \\\"lazyloaded\\\") }, Y = A(X), Z = function (a) { Y({ target: a.target }) }, $ = function (a, b) { try { a.contentWindow.location.replace(b) } catch (c) { a.src = b } }, _ = function (a) { var b, c = a[i](d.srcsetAttr); (b = d.customMedia[a[i](\\\"data-media\\\") || a[i](\\\"media\\\")]) && a.setAttribute(\\\"media\\\", b), c && a.setAttribute(\\\"srcset\\\", c) }, aa = A(function (a, b, c, e, f) { var g, h, j, l, m, p; (m = v(a, \\\"lazybeforeunveil\\\", b)).defaultPrevented || (e && (c ? s(a, d.autosizesClass) : a.setAttribute(\\\"sizes\\\", e)), h = a[i](d.srcsetAttr), g = a[i](d.srcAttr), f && (j = a.parentNode, l = j && n.test(j.nodeName || \\\"\\\")), p = b.firesLoad || \\\"src\\\" in a && (h || g || l), m = { target: a }, s(a, d.loadingClass), p && (clearTimeout(o), o = k(S, 2500), u(a, Z, !0)), l && q.call(j.getElementsByTagName(\\\"source\\\"), _), h ? a.setAttribute(\\\"srcset\\\", h) : g && !l && (M.test(a.nodeName) ? $(a, g) : a.src = g), f && (h || l) && w(a, { src: g })), a._lazyRace && delete a._lazyRace, t(a, d.lazyClass), z(function () { var b = a.complete && a.naturalWidth > 1; p && !b || (b && s(a, \\\"ls-is-cached\\\"), X(m), a._lazyCache = !0, k(function () { \\\"_lazyCache\\\" in a && delete a._lazyCache }, 9)), \\\"lazy\\\" == a.loading && Q-- }, !0) }), ba = function (a) { if (!a._lazyRace) { var b, c = L.test(a.nodeName), e = c && (a[i](d.sizesAttr) || a[i](\\\"sizes\\\")), f = \\\"auto\\\" == e; (!f && m || !c || !a[i](\\\"src\\\") && !a.srcset || a.complete || r(a, d.errorClass) || !r(a, d.lazyClass)) && (b = v(a, \\\"lazyunveilread\\\").detail, f && E.updateElem(a, !0, a.offsetWidth), a._lazyRace = !0, Q++ , aa(a, b, f, e, c)) } }, ca = C(function () { d.loadMode = 3, W() }), da = function () { 3 == d.loadMode && (d.loadMode = 2), ca() }, ea = function () { if (!m) { if (f.now() - y < 999) return void k(ea, 999); m = !0, d.loadMode = 3, W(), j(\\\"scroll\\\", da, !0) } }; return { _: function () { y = f.now(), c.elements = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass), g = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass + \\\" \\\" + d.preloadClass), j(\\\"scroll\\\", W, !0), j(\\\"resize\\\", W, !0), j(\\\"pageshow\\\", function (a) { if (a.persisted) { var c = b.querySelectorAll(\\\".\\\" + d.loadingClass); c.length && c.forEach && l(function () { c.forEach(function (a) { a.complete && ba(a) }) }) } }), a.MutationObserver ? new MutationObserver(W).observe(e, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, attributes: !0 }) : (e[h](\\\"DOMNodeInserted\\\", W, !0), e[h](\\\"DOMAttrModified\\\", W, !0), setInterval(W, 999)), j(\\\"hashchange\\\", W, !0), [\\\"focus\\\", \\\"mouseover\\\", \\\"click\\\", \\\"load\\\", \\\"transitionend\\\", \\\"animationend\\\"].forEach(function (a) { b[h](a, W, !0) }), /d$|^c/.test(b.readyState) ? ea() : (j(\\\"load\\\", ea), b[h](\\\"DOMContentLoaded\\\", W), k(ea, 2e4)), c.elements.length ? (V(), z._lsFlush()) : W() }, checkElems: W, unveil: ba, _aLSL: da } }(), E = function () { var a, c = A(function (a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g; if (a._lazysizesWidth = d, d += \\\"px\\\", a.setAttribute(\\\"sizes\\\", d), n.test(b.nodeName || \\\"\\\")) for (e = b.getElementsByTagName(\\\"source\\\"), f = 0, g = e.length; f < g; f++)e[f].setAttribute(\\\"sizes\\\", d); c.detail.dataAttr || w(a, c.detail) }), e = function (a, b, d) { var e, f = a.parentNode; f && (d = y(a, f, d), e = v(a, \\\"lazybeforesizes\\\", { width: d, dataAttr: !!b }), e.defaultPrevented || (d = e.detail.width) && d !== a._lazysizesWidth && c(a, f, e, d)) }, f = function () { var b, c = a.length; if (c) for (b = 0; b < c; b++)e(a[b]) }, g = C(f); return { _: function () { a = b.getElementsByClassName(d.autosizesClass), j(\\\"resize\\\", g) }, checkElems: g, updateElem: e } }(), F = function () { !F.i && b.getElementsByClassName && (F.i = !0, E._(), D._()) }; return k(function () { d.init && F() }), c = { cfg: d, autoSizer: E, loader: D, init: F, uP: w, aC: s, rC: t, hC: r, fire: v, gW: y, rAF: z } });\"","module.exports = \"/*! lazysizes - v4.0.3 */\\r\\n!function (a, b) { var c = function () { b(a.lazySizes), a.removeEventListener(\\\"lazyunveilread\\\", c, !0) }; b = b.bind(null, a, a.document), \\\"object\\\" == typeof module && module.exports ? b(require(\\\"lazysizes\\\")) : a.lazySizes ? c() : a.addEventListener(\\\"lazyunveilread\\\", c, !0) }(window, function (a, b, c) { \\\"use strict\\\"; function d(a, c) { if (!g[a]) { var d = b.createElement(c ? \\\"link\\\" : \\\"script\\\"), e = b.getElementsByTagName(\\\"script\\\")[0]; c ? (d.rel = \\\"stylesheet\\\", d.href = a) : d.src = a, g[a] = !0, g[d.src || d.href] = !0, e.parentNode.insertBefore(d, e) } } var e, f, g = {}; b.addEventListener && (f = /\\\\(|\\\\)|\\\\s|'/, e = function (a, c) { var d = b.createElement(\\\"img\\\"); d.onload = function () { d.onload = null, d.onerror = null, d = null, c() }, d.onerror = d.onload, d.src = a, d && d.complete && d.onload && d.onload() }, addEventListener(\\\"lazybeforeunveil\\\", function (a) { if (a.detail.instance == c) { var b, g, h, i; a.defaultPrevented || (\\\"none\\\" == a.target.preload && (a.target.preload = \\\"auto\\\"), b = a.target.getAttribute(\\\"data-link\\\"), b && d(b, !0), b = a.target.getAttribute(\\\"data-script\\\"), b && d(b), b = a.target.getAttribute(\\\"data-require\\\"), b && (c.cfg.requireJs ? c.cfg.requireJs([b]) : d(b)), h = a.target.getAttribute(\\\"data-bg\\\"), h && (a.detail.firesLoad = !0, g = function () { a.target.style.backgroundImage = \\\"url(\\\" + (f.test(h) ? JSON.stringify(h) : h) + \\\")\\\", a.detail.firesLoad = !1, c.fire(a.target, \\\"_lazyloaded\\\", {}, !0, !0) }, e(h, g)), i = a.target.getAttribute(\\\"data-poster\\\"), i && (a.detail.firesLoad = !0, g = function () { a.target.poster = i, a.detail.firesLoad = !1, c.fire(a.target, \\\"_lazyloaded\\\", {}, !0, !0) }, e(i, g))) } }, !1)) });\"","/*\n\tMIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n\tAuthor Tobias Koppers @sokra\n*/\nmodule.exports = function(src) {\n\tfunction log(error) {\n\t\t(typeof console !== \"undefined\")\n\t\t&& (console.error || console.log)(\"[Script Loader]\", error);\n\t}\n\n\t// Check for IE =< 8\n\tfunction isIE() {\n\t\treturn typeof attachEvent !== \"undefined\" && typeof addEventListener === \"undefined\";\n\t}\n\n\ttry {\n\t\tif (typeof execScript !== \"undefined\" && isIE()) {\n\t\t\texecScript(src);\n\t\t} else if (typeof eval !== \"undefined\") {\n\t\t\teval.call(null, src);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tlog(\"EvalError: No eval function available\");\n\t\t}\n\t} catch (error) {\n\t\tlog(error);\n\t}\n}\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\script-loader\\\\addScript.js\")(require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\raw-loader\\\\index.js!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\wwwroot\\\\scripts\\\\lib\\\\lazysizes.min.js\"))","require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\script-loader\\\\addScript.js\")(require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\raw-loader\\\\index.js!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\wwwroot\\\\scripts\\\\lib\\\\ls.unveilhooks.min.js\"))","require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\script-loader\\\\addScript.js\")(require(\"!!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\node_modules\\\\raw-loader\\\\index.js!C:\\\\Users\\\\eyl\\\\source\\\\repos\\\\brisbane client repo\\\\Showgrounds%20Website%202024\\\\RNABrisbaine.Web\\\\wwwroot\\\\scripts\\\\app.js\"))"],"names":["module","exports","src","log","error","console","execScript","attachEvent","addEventListener","eval","call","__webpack_module_cache__","__webpack_require__","moduleId","cachedModule","undefined","__webpack_modules__"],"sourceRoot":""}